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Q, R,  S


Quaternary The fourfold lower self, or man, in the three worlds. There are various divisions of this, but perhaps for our purpose the best is to enumerate the four as follows:


1.. Lower mind.

2.. Emotional or kamic body.

3.. Prana, or the Life Principle.

4.. The etheric body, or the highest division of the twofold physical body.


Raja Lord Angel who ensouls and is the controlling intelligence of a plane.


Raja yoga True system of developing psychic and spiritual powers and union with the soul. It involves the exercise, regulation and concentration of thought. It is the "kingly science" and supercedes hatha and bhakti yoga. (see also Yoga)


Ray One of the seven streams of force from cosmic sources that enter our solar system and condition all life within it, including all the kingdoms of nature on Earth. The planets in the solar system are really the "vehicles" that pass this energy on. Each individual has their own "ray make-up".


Reality That which lies not in the tangible but what is to us intangible, unseen and unheard. These three words indicate the goal and the problem of the disciple, plus the resultant effect of conscious, intelligent spiritual work motivated by love; the True and the Beautiful; the divine Purpose.


Reincarnation Doctrine of cyclic rebirth by the evolving consciousness through all types of environments in accordance with the Law of Karma. Reincarnation is implicit in the manifested universe and is a basic and fundamental theme underlying systemic pulsation.


Religion The invocative appeal of humanity which leads to the evocative response of the Spirit of God; the recognition by the part of its relationship to the Whole, plus a constantly groing demand for increased awareness of that relation; that which draws forth the recognition of the Whole that demand has been made. (see Evocation)


Resurrection To rise again; to return to an original state by rising. (see Soul)


Revelation The synthesis of the divine expressive purpose; related to the will-to-good which is, in its turn, a complete expression of the love nature of Deity.


Ring-pass-not The limit of the field of activity of the central life force; the periphery of the influence of the sun, both esoterically and exoterically understood; in the average human being, it is the spheroidal form of his mental body which extends considerably beyond the physical and enables him to function on the lower levels of the mental plane. Term is normally used when referring to the orb of energetic influence of an cosmic entity, like a Planetary or Solar Logos, but it can also be applied to other forms of life. The existence of a ring-pass-not is based on the Laws of Attraction and Cohesion that affect matter and energy of different degrees, including what we know as the "spiritual dimensions." These energies are gathered and held consciously (particularly by higher initiates and above) in a state of cohesion, or "point of tension," and they are used by these entities for purposes of creation, reception and projection. We can also say the ring-pass-not is the combination of the different energy sheaths that human or cosmic spirits gather around themselves. In relation to our Planet, and the Solar System, the ring-pass-not is the Cosmic Physical Plane.


Rishi The seven Rishis are the Regents of the seven stars comprising the Great Bear. It is the seven Rishis who mark the time and the duration of events in our septenary life cycle. The seven stars of the Great Bear correspond to the seven head centers of the One About Whom Naught May Be Said.


Root race One of the seven major races that evolve upon a planet during a "world period". Most Asian races belong to the 4th Atlantean rootrace, and most of the west are of the 5th or Aryan rootrace. There are 7 subraces to each rootrace, just as there are 7 subplanes to each plane.


Round A periodical life-wave that pours through a globe, chain and scheme.


Sacrifice Word comes from "Sacer" meaning "holy," and "facere" - "to make," therefore "to make holy"; complete conformity with the will of God because the spiritual will of the person and the divine will (as they recognize it in the Plan) is their own will; the urge to sacrifice is the major determining impulse which impelled the Soul of God Himself to enter into form life; sacrifice must not be regarded as "giving-up" but rather as a "taking-over," through identification; should signify a joyful process of making desire "holy"; the achievement of a state of bliss and of ecstasy because it is the realisation of another divine aspect; it has a mysterious relation to the Law of Karma.


Samadhi Complete detachment from the cells of the body and the emotions.


Sanat Kumara The coherent force within the planet earth, holding, through His radiatory influence, all forms and all substances in the planetary form so that they constitute one coherent, energised and functioning whole; He is to the Planetary Logos what the personality, plus soul, is to the disciple. The Lord of the World; the etheric-physical expression of our Planetary Logos who dwells on Shamballa. A great Being, who sacrificed Himself to become the personality vehicle for the ensouling deity of our planet 18.5 million years ago. The nearest aspect of God that we can know.


Sangha Community of monks. One of 3 precious jewels that must be held by one wishing to tread the path of Liberation.


Sanskrit Ancient language of India, in which the sacred texts are written.


Scheme The "system of worlds" that constitute the evolution of a Planetary Logos - e.g. Earth, Venus etc. This system includes chains, globes and rounds, or periodical life waves moving through it.


Senzar The secret language or "mystery speech" of initiated adepts all over the world. It is very ancient, and predates Sanskrit.


Septenary Consisting of, or relating to, the number seven; our solar system as well as the chakra system of humans and divine beings alike are septenary in constitution. Indeed all manifestation is of a septenary nature; the three major rays together with the four miinor rays form a septenary.


Service The utilisation of soul force for the good fo the group; the spontaneous effect of soul contact; a scientific mode of expressing love-wisdom under the influence of one or other of the seven rays, according to the soul ray of the serving disciple; an aspect of that divine energy which works always under the destroyer aspect, for it destroys the forms in order to release; a manifestation of the Principle of Liberation, and of this principle, death and service constitute two aspects; service saves, liberates and releases, on various levels, the imprisoned consciousness. The same statements can be made of death. But unless service can be rendered from an intuitive understanding of all the facts in the case, interpreted intelligently, and applied in a spirit of love upon the physical plane, it fails to fulfill its mission adequately; a soul instinct; may be effected upon the inner planes and on a large scale and yet there may be no evidence of this upon the physical plane, except in the beauty of a life lived. When the factor of spiritual illumination enters into that service, you have those transcendent Lights which have illumined the way of humanity and have acted like search-lights, thrown out into the great ocean of consciousness, revealing to man the Path he can and must go upon. (see Death and Principle of Liberation)


Service (Group) Group service is simply the life of example. The best exponent of the ageless Wisdom lives each day in the place where he is the life of the disciple; he does not live it in the place where he thinks he should be.


Shamballa Shamballa is simply a word conveying the idea of a vast focal point of energies which are assembled and brought together by the Planetary Logos in order to creat a manifestation adequate to His unfolding intention and planetary service. Shamballa is a state of consciousness or a phase of sensitive awareness wherein there is acute and dynamic response to divine purpose. This Center is created by the Ray of Will or Power; its major activity is bequeathing, distributing and circulating the basic principle of life itself to every form which is held within the planetary ring-pass-not of the planetary Life or Logos. From that Center, the will of God goes forth and the power of God becomes the messenger of His will. The basic quality of Shamballa is dynamic. Its mode of work is inspiration. it draws response but remains immovable itself. It works not with the Law of Attrraction, but by the Law of Synthesis, by a fiat of the Will, based on a clearly formulated purpose and program. Also, the City of the Gods,"Shangri-La," said to be situated in the Gobi desert, and where Sanat Kumara is "anchored" in etheric substance.


Siddhis Psychic powers developed through yogic practices. Many types.


Sirius Star from which this solar system emanated - important for Earth in this cycle.


Solar Logos The great entity incarnate as our solar system, the active, directing Intelligence Who is working with definite purpose through His Seven Centres. The planets in this Being's body represent its major "chakras."


Soul Neither spirit nor matter but the relation between them. It is the middle or love principle and that which reincarnates in different bodies - the Mediator or Middle Principle; that entity which is brought into being when the spirit aspect and the matter aspect are related to each other; neither spirit nor matter but the relation between them; the link between God and His form; another name for the Christ principle, whether in nature or in man; the form-building aspect; the force of evolution itself. In the world of phenomenal appearance, it is the creating agent, the major building factor, the constructor of forms. Essentially it is light, both literally from the vibratory angle, and philosophically from the angle of constituting the true medium of knowledge; light symbolically, for it is like the rays of the sun, which pour out into the darkness, through the medium of the brain, thus the way of the human being becomes increasingly illumined. Spirit and matter, when brought into a close rapport, necessarily exert an effect upon each other. Matter, so-called, is energized or "lifted up" in the occult sense of the term by its contact with spirit so-called. Spirit, in its turn, is enabled to enhance its vibration through the medium of experience in matter. The bringing together of these two divine aspects results in the emergence of a third, which we call the soul, and through the medium of the soul, spirit develops a sentiency and a conscious awareness and capacity to respond which remains its permanent possession when the divorce between the two comes around eventually and cyclically.


Spirit The One Life back of all forms; the central energy which is the cause of all manifestation; the word spirit is applied to that undefinable, elusive, essential impulse or Life which is the cause of all manifestation; the breath of Life; spirit is matter at its highest point of expression, and matter is spirit at its lowest; life and will.


Spirit of Peace A potent Entity and not an abstract concept, wielding forces hitherto unfamiliar to our planet; a Being of tremendous cosmic potency; in a mysterious sense, the Spirit of Equilibrium; He works with the Law of Action and Reaction.


Spiritual The world of light and beauty, of order and purpose; all manifestions of life are spiritual; the word relates to attitudes, to relationships, to the moving forward from one level of consciousness to the next; related to the power to see the vision; relates to the expansion of consciousness at whatever level; all activity which drives the human being forward towards some form of development - physical, emotional, intuitional, and so forth - is essentially spiritual in nature and is indicative of the livingness of the inner divine Entity.


Spiritual Triad The expression of the Monad in the formless worlds; the vehicle of the Monad.


Subjective Realm A field which is vitally more real than is the objective, once it is entered and known. It is a question of acceptance, first of all, of its existence, the development of a mechanism of contact, the cultivation of the ability to use this mechanism at will, and then inspired interpretation.


Substance The principle underlying dense matter.


Sutratma The "life" thread anchored in the heart - linking spirit, soul and body via the "permanent atoms".


Synthesis The method whereby comprehension is attained; the many becoming the One; an attribute of the divine will and the outstanding quality of Deity.


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Tekels Park

Camberley, Surrey, England GU15 - 2LF



Concerns about the fate of the wildlife as

Tekels Park is to be Sold to a Developer


Concerns are raised about the fate of the wildlife as

The Spiritual Retreat, Tekels Park in Camberley,

Surrey, England is to be sold to a developer.


Tekels Park is a 50 acre woodland park, purchased

 for the Adyar Theosophical Society in England in 1929.

In addition to concern about the park, many are

 worried about the future of the Tekels Park Deer

as they are not a protected species.


Anyone planning a “Spiritual” stay at the

Tekels Park Guest House should be aware of the sale.


There is confusion as the Theoversity moves out of 

Tekels Park to Southampton, Glastonbury & 

Chorley in Lancashire while the leadership claim

that the Theosophical Society will carry on using 

Tekels Park despite its sale to a developer



Future of Tekels Park Badgers in Doubt

Badgers have been resident

in Tekels Park for Centuries


Tekels Park & the Loch Ness Monster

A Satirical view of the sale of Tekels Park

in Camberley, Surrey to a developer


The Toff’s Guide to the Sale of Tekels Park

What the men in top hats have to

say about the sale of Tekels Park

to a developer





Theosophy Wales Centre

The Ocean of Theosophy

By William Quan Judge


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Cefpago En Esperanto






The Blue Bridge aka the Jubilee Bridge

crossing the river Dee at Queensferry, North Wales

Built in 1926, the bridge could be raised to

allow shipping through to Chester, England

This traffic later ceased and the lifting mechanism

was therefore removed in the 1960s




Ty Mawr (height approx 8 feet)

Near Holyhead, Anglesey, North Wales.



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 Gallery of Wales


The Old Bridge, Bangor on Dee



Presteign Station



The Cob Tollgate, Porthmadog / Portmadoc

Late 1940s



The Dingle, Colwyn Bay



Carmarthen Castle



Main Street, Llandrindod Wells




Holyhead Mountain, Anglesey




Bryngwyn Stones

Between Brynsiencyn and Dwyran

on Anglesey’s south west coast.




Bethel Square, Brecon



The Hayes Cardiff Circa 1910



Kidwelly Castle, Carmarthenshire



Ystrad Mynach Viaduct, Mid Glamorgan



Excavation of Roman Remains in Caerwent, Gwent



Van’s Good Food Shop

Health Food & all round New Age Shop

Llandrindod Wells




The Coliseum Cinema in Porthmadog / Portmadoc

Now a listed building




Cardiff Bay




Cytiau'r Gwyddelod

The Holyhead Mountain Hut Group

An Iron Age settlement at the

south western end of Holyhead Mountain



The Quaker Meeting House

Colwyn Bay, North Wales.





Gwynedd Museum and Art Gallery,

Bangor, North Wales




The Harvest Moon Cafe and Healing Centre

Holyhead, Anglesey, North Wales



Holyhead Harbour at Sunrise





Beaumaris Castle



Cardiff Castle



Conwy Castle



Flint Castle



Flint Castle North East Tower




Grosmont Castle




Beaumaris Castle




Llantilio Castle




Montgomery Castle




Rhuddlan Castle




Skenfrith Castle




Anglesey Abbey




Bangor Town Clock




Colwyn Bay Centre




The Great Orme




llandudno Promenade




Great Orme Tramway




Caervarvon Castle




New Radnor




Blaenavon High Street




Blaenavon Ironworks



Theosophical Society in Wales

Theosophy House

206 Newport Road

Cardiff, Wales, UK. CF24 – 1DL










Caerwent Roman Ruins




Colwyn Bay Postcard




Ferndale in the Rhondda Valley








National Museum of Wales











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Basic Theosophy Theosophy in Cardiff Theosophy in Wales


Hey Look! Theosophy in Cardiff Streetwise Theosophy


The Ocean of Theosophy by William Quan Judge


Grand Tour Theosophy Aardvark Theosophy Starts Here


Theosophy 206 Biography of William Q Judge


Theosophy Cardiff’s Face Book of Great Theosophists


Theosophy Evolution Theosophy Generally Stated


Biography of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky




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